Query: Do you want a drug addiction-free life? Are you searching for a best Drug Rehab Center near you?
Solution: There are many drug rehabilitation centers all over the world. But, a drug-addicted person should go to the best drug rehab center for the treatment.
Drug abuse has become a major problem these days. With movies like Udta Punjab bringing the issue to the fore, it is unlikely that anyone is unaware of the rampant, widespread disease which manifests itself in some form or the other and finally consumes the individual, his family and to some extent the social fabric of the country too. Drug addiction can be of many forms, it should not be considered as a flaw in the character of a person, it should rather be considered a form of weakness, like a disease which can be contracted by anyone running short of immunity (read will power).
Regular use of certain prescription drugs and contraband substances alter your brain in a manner that creates extremely powerful cravings, a compulsive desire that seems uncontrollable and generally ends with consumption of the drug the person is addicted to.
However, hope is not far away, we have seen stories of many well-known celebrities who have successfully managed to cross the barrier and come to the healthier side of life. There are drug rehab treatment options galore, but the underlying methodology remains the same.
- Behavioral counselling
- Medication
- Control and Treatment of withdrawal symptoms
- Long term or frequent follow up to prevent addiction relapse.
Treatment to drug addiction is two faceted, Medical and Mental. In some cases it has been observed, the patient is used to consuming more than one drug, in such cases, they would need multiple drug rehabilitation treatments i.e. treatment for each and every substance consumed.
Table of Contents
How Drug Rehab Treatment Starts?
Treatment starts the moment there is self-realization by the person of his condition, his coming to terms with the reality that he is addicted. This is the toughest part as there is a lot of uncertainty associated with it. But it’s okay to be torn and worn out, as only then a stitch in time will save nine. Treatment for drug abuse encompasses 3 major areas:
- Managing withdrawal symptoms
- Treating co-occurring conditions
- Preventing relapse
Do You Know the Steps of Drug Addiction Treatment?
The first step is to cleanse the body, called detoxification. This is a major activity which helps not only in getting rid of pollutants from your bloodstream but suppress withdrawal systems to a major level. Please be mindful of the fact that detoxification is not a cure in itself, but makes provision for an effective cure through medications.
It has been observed successful detoxification has greatly reduced the chances of relapse in patients.
Drug Rehabilitation Treating Co-occurring Conditions
Just as every medicine has some or the other side effects, these co-occurring conditions may be referred to as side defects. These are factors which are directly contributing to drug addiction. Depression and anxiety are the front runners in this list. These can be identified if we have a closer look at the individual’s lifestyle or behavioral patterns.
These will include:
- How frequently does the person feel stressed and how does he deal with it.
- What kind of people does he allow in his life.
- What activities does the individual engage in the free time.
- What is the self-confidence of the person and what image of himself does he carry.
- The prescription drugs or over the counter medications he resorts to in times of distress.
A good understanding of the above factors will give the doctor insights about the mental as well as physical make up of the patient.
Preventing Relapse
The most important constituent of the drug rehab treatment process has a two-pronged approach, Restoring Normal Brain Activity and Reduced Cravings. Prolonged use of drugs has a severe impact on the brain of the patient. A major effort goes in restoring what has been lost and bring the brain back to its normal unadulterated working condition. This may not be as simple as it seems and we shall discuss the various therapies used for this. Also reducing cravings will ensure that the mind again does not take the patient back to the addicted state. As no one particular treatment works for everyone, preventing relapse can be ensured by a couple of different therapies discussed below.
1. Community-based Support Therapy for Drug Rehabilitation
Also called a sober living community treatment, follows an intensive treatment program where several addicts live in a safe, drug-free and supportive environment. This has been especially successful who have nowhere to or returning to their previous habitat would increase chances of relapse.
2. Drug Rehab Treatment by Family Based Support Therapy
This includes drug treatment in the comfort of your own family. It has been observed that this has an emotional side to it and hence chances of recovery are very high and quick.
3. Cognitive behavioral Therapy for Drug Rehabilitation
Also referred to as behavioral counseling can help you identify the root cause of your drug usage. This can also help you get well by fostering new relationships and mend the previous ones. Also, this can help you develop better-coping skills to deal with your condition.
4. Drug Addiction Treatment by Multidimensional Family Therapy
This therapy has been designed for adults with drug abuse history as well as their families. This is a more holistic treatment where the cycle is reversed from deteriorated family functioning because of a drug addict family member to improving the drug addict by means of a healthy family support and function.
5. Partial Hospitalization / Day Treatment for Drug Rehab
This therapy is designed for people who require frequent medical observation but prefer to stay in the comfort of their home and family members. The treatment is meted out during the day, however, the patient is discharged during the night.
Other successful therapies include in drug rehabilitation are:
- Yoga and mindfulness therapy
- Animal assisted therapy
- Motivational incentives therapy
- Motivational interviewing therapy
Due to this wide range of therapies available, the success rate of Drug recovery is gradually gaining pace and moving north exponentially. However, the fact remains, despite widespread awareness campaigns, the number of drug addicts is also on the rise. We do need to realize why do people still fall prey to these malpractices, is it our highly stressful lifestyles, is it our fast-paced world where the human desire to outrun the other has given rise to conditions of anxiety and depression. It’s high time we take cognizance of the above facts and avoid use or abuse of any kind of drug even in the smallest of measures.
Be high on life and not high on drugs.